Car hire Trapani

Trapani is an Italian city from the region and island of Sicily and capital of the homonymous province. It is known as the City of Salt and Sail, as its economy is based on aquatic activities and obtaining marine salt. But, also, thanks to its wonderful touristic offer, Trapani has been established as one of the big tourism cities all over the country. It is located in the Mediterranean Sea and its territorial extension includes a great deal of land from the Enrice Doc Wine Route. If you have any doubt, you should know that in this city you will be able to enjoy the most absolute calm in some of the best resorts and hotels of the island.

Do you know anything about Trapani? Would you like to explore the whole city and its surroundings with the most absolute freedom? Pepecar offers you the best online search engine to find the best car you have always wanted to drive. It is really simple. First, find the vehicle you like; second, choose the deal that best meets your needs and budget; third, reserve it in the web; finally, pick up your car hire in Trapani to enjoy the best holidays of your life.

Trapani has always been a strategic point in the Mediterranean Sea. The city was founded by the Carthaginians between the 9th and 8th centuries B.C., and they belonged to the Kingdom of Carthage until the 3rd century B.C., being the latest city to resist the Roman Conquest. The city was abandoned by the Roman Empire for its continued attack to the empire. In the 13th century, Trapani became part of the Kingdom of the Anjou and Aragonese. In the 15th century, it was named as the Undefeated City. Between the 18th century and 1860, the city was part of the Savoy, the Austria and the Bourbons, three kingdoms which made Trapani and important and powerful city again. Currently, Trapani is one of the best places to spend your holidays in.


The possibility to rent a car will help you pay a visit to some of the most incredible places you find both in Trapani and its surroundings. Go to Pepecar and find the best deal of the market. Once you have chosen your vehicle, pick it up in the meeting point and discover places of such majesty as:

  • Conte Agostini Pepoli Regional Museum
  • Grotte de Scurati Cave
  • Cathedral of Trapani
  • House of the Palms
  • Contemporary Art Museum
  • Rosa Serraino Vulpitta Opera
  • Cambria Palace
  • Saint Augustin Church
  • Lazzaretto of Trapani
  • Church of the School of Jesuits 
  • Giudecca Palace


Pepecar has a pickup service in Trapani Airport, Palermo Airport and Comiso Airport. To enjoy all the advantages we offer you, go to our search engine, find the vehicle you love and reserve your car hire even before you land in any of the aforementioned airports.


From Trapani Airport: the distance between Trapani Airport and Trapani is about 20 kilometers. Take the roads A29dir and SS115 in direction to the north and you’ll be in Trapani in less than 25 minutes.


From Palermo Airport: the distance between Palermo Airport and Trapani is about 85 kilometers. To access Trapani in less than 55 minutes, go through the roads A29/E90 and A29dir/E933.


From Comiso Airport: the distance between Comiso Airport and Trapani is about 340 kilometers. We recommend taking the road A19 or the SS115 as both of them will take you about 4 hours. It is true the trip is a little bit longer. To make it easier and more comfortable, reserve a rental car with Pepecar.


Don’t miss this incredible and unique opportunity and, if you want to spend more than 1 day in Trapani, visit the three following destinations we suggest with your rental car.


This Sicilian city is located in the province of Trapani. Considered as one of the biggest cities in its province, is also one of the biggest ones in the whole island. But, if there’s anything to point out about Marsala is its recognition as the European Capital of Wine. Don’t miss this opportunity and visit Marsala with its most representative sights as:

  • Baglio Anselmi Archaeological Museum
  • Florio Canteen
  • Ipogeo de Crispia Salvia
  • Mirabile Museum
  • Mother Church Museum
  • Historic Canteen of Donnafugata
  • Velasco Bastion
  • Roman Island

The distance between Trapani and Marsala is about 30 kilometers. With your rental car, drive through the roads SS115 and SP21 as you’ll get to Marsala in about 40 minutes.


Capital of Sicily and one of the most important cities all over Italy, Palermo is a really beautiful city with an enviable heritage declared World Heritage Site. Located at the Tirreno Sea, it’s impossible not to admire the wonders of Palermo as, for example:

  • Cappella Palatina
  • Norman Palace
  • Catacombe dei Cappuccini
  • Martorana Church
  • Massimo Theater
  • Cathedral of Palermo
  • Chiaramonte Palace
  • San Cataldo Church

The distance between Trapani and Palermo is about 110 kilometers. The fastest way to get to Palermo is reserving a car hire in Trapani and, then, taking the roads A29dir/E90 and E90 for about 1 hour and 35 minutes.


Known for the huge amount of Greek temples of Doric style, Agrigento is one of the major touristic areas all over the island of Sicily. It is also known as the City of Temples, so you won’t want to miss any of them located in its famous valley. So, if you go to Agrigento, don’t miss, at least, the following locations:

  • Valley of Temples
  • San Geraldo Cathedral
  • Olympic Zeus Temple
  • Saint Mary of Greece Church
  • Chiaramontane Factory
  • Diocesan Museum
  • Civic Museum
  • Palace of the Bishop
  • Palace of Zirafa
  • Monastery of the Holy Spirit

The distance between Trapani and Agrigento is about 175 kilometers. Go through the road SS115 in direction to the southeast with your rental car and you will be in Agrigento in less than 2 hours and 20 minutes.