Car hire Segovia

In 1985, UNESCO included the old city of Segovia and its Roman aqueduct in the list of World Heritage Cities. But it’s not all about architecture. We must bear in mind the great past of this beautiful city –where Alfonso X of Castile studied the sky, Quevedo inspired to write ‘History of the life of the Swindler, called Don Pablos’, and Isabella I was proclaimed Queen of Castile.

Its economy is based both on the cultural and gastronomical assets it offers the visitors. puts its search engine at our disposal to find the best hire cars in Segovia. Don’t miss anything of this unique Spanish region where –apart from museums and art centres, you can find the best restaurants to try the specialty from Segovia –roasted suckling pig.

The first top in our Segovia route is the charming Maderuelo. Every visitor must take a walk along the city walls to discover its history and enjoy its medieval scent. A visit to the viaduct Hoces del Río and to the chapel are very recommendable. Maderuelo is also popular by its wide range of natural spaces, including its Linares reservoir.

Driving southward along SG-V-9113 for 55 minutes (64.1 km) we’ll get to Pedraza –a perfect place for a weekend getaway. The most representative monuments here are its Castle, Main Square, chapel Ermita de la Virgen de Las Vegas and La Cárcel de La Villa. In Pedraza you’ll learn the history of Spain, relax and enjoy the nature. Its camping facilities make it a popular touristic destination.

From here, we’ll move on to Segovia along SG-P-2322 and N-110 for 38 minutes (38 km).

Don’t miss the Roman Aqueduct and wander round the old town to notice the influence form the Arabs and Jews. See the Alcázar, the Cathedral and make a route to all the castles in the area –including those in Pedraza, Coca and Cuéllar.

Our journey will finish in San Ildefonso –14 minutes along CL-601.  La Granja de San Ildefonso is a real historical and artistic gem. Its fortress is made by the Royal Palace –residence of the Spanish Royal Family– with gardens around it an amazing views. Enjoy the waterfall ‘El Chorro’, walk around the pond ‘El Mar’ and visit its Museum, the Royal Glass Factory or the Collegiate Church.