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Car hire Alessandria
In the region of Piedmont, in Italy, it can be found one of the most beautiful cities one can visit all over the country. Alessandria is one of the most populated areas in Piedmont, and the capital of his own province. This astonishing city is located in the so-called Turin-Milan-Genoa triangle, which, throughout history, has led the city to become one of the main center dedicated to the commerce. In fact, Alessandria is known as a crossing point for the three aforementioned cities, and, most importantly, for it ensured these cities the best services and places to exchange their products.
Are you interested in travelling to Alessandria? Do you want to have total freedom of movement? Would you like to enjoy this city at your fullest? Pepecar offers you a search engine to find the car that best meets your needs. Take advantage of this opportunity and reserve you rental car in Alessandria.
According to historians, the foundation of Alessandria took place in the 12th century, thanks to the union between three small locations: Gamondio, Bergoglio and Marengo. From its foundation onwards, Alessandria became one of the main meeting points and a major market center in the north of Italy, during the Middle Ages. In fact, the economy of the Lombard League was positively affected after the creation of this unitary municipality. Its name comes from the former pope Alexander III, as he was in favor of and supporting the Lombard League to overthrow other heretic powers for the country.
At the end of the 12th century, the city of Alessandria was involved in one of the biggest attacks of the Holy Roman Empire, becoming the governors of the city and changing its name to Caesarea. During the Middle Ages, Alessandria was able to establish itself as a free municipality. However, the Visconti family and the Duchy of Milan seized the power of the city. In the 18th century, the city was annexed to France, became an Austrian city and, most importantly, it became part of the Sardinian Kingdom. Currently, Alessandria is one of the most interesting cities from the north of Italy, not only because of what you can see here, but because of what you can see in the surrounding areas: Milan, Turin and Genoa.
Renting a car in Alessandria is, undoubtedly, the best way to know the main places in the city as the Alessandria Citadel, one of the most impressive fortifications of the city and one of the main reasons why the city is known, The Cuttica di Cassine Palace, the Ethnographic Museum of Gambarina, the Capello Borsalino Museum, the Giardini Botanic Garden, the Palatium Vetus, the Palazzo delle Poste, the Ghilini Palace or the Francesco Janniello Museum.
Thanks to your rental car in the Airport of Milan, the Airport of Turin and the Airport of Genoa you will be able to access the Italian city of Alessandria without any problem. If you want to know how to access the city, in the following paragraphs we show you the main routes you may take.
- From the Airport of Milan: the distance between the Airport of Milan-Malpensa and Alessandria is about 125 kilometers. The easiest way to access the city is going through the roads A4/E64 and A26, as it will take you less than 1 hour and 20 minutes. If you prefer, you can take the road A7/E62, though it will take you about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- From the Airport of Turin: the distance between the Airport of Turin and Alessandria is about 120 kilometers. To access the city, take the roads A55 and A21/E70 and you will be in your destination in less than 1 hour and 15 minutes. You can also go through the road A7, even though it may take you 1 hour and 20 minutes.
- From the Airport of Genoa: the distance between the Airport of Genoa and Alessandria is about 80 kilometers. We recommend you taking the E25 in direction to the southwest, as it won’t take you more than 1 hour. Another option could be going through the A7, if you don’t mind spending 1 hour and 10 minutes on the road.
Undoubtedly, Alessandria is a truly beautiful city you have to visit, at least, once in a lifetime. The reason why you should do it? Really simple, thanks to a rental car you will make sure the possibility of knowing the most important cities from the north of Italy.
Milan is a truly important international industrial and commercial enclave, Italian financial capital and really well-known in the fashion world. It is one of the best university centers and publishing centers of the whole country. It is considered to be one of the biggest and most populated cities in Italy and part of Europe. Situated in the historic region of Lombard, Milan is, surely, an unforgettable place. Don’t miss this opportunity to visit some of the most touristic and important places of the city such as Milan Cathedral, Sforzesco Castle, the Brera, the Brera Art Gallery, Victor Manuel II Gallery, Saint Mary of the Grace Church and the Duomo Square.
The distance between Alessandria and Milan is about 90 kilometers. Taking your rental car in Pepecar, go through the A7 and in less than 1 hour and 20 minutes you will be able to enjoy your destination. Also, you can take the A26 and A4/E64, though it might take you almost 1 hour and 30 minutes.
From its origins, Genoa is linked to its port and activities related to the sea. It is located in the west coast of Italy. Described by Petrarch as the “pride” of men and its walls, Genoa has always been a door between the sea and the land, where a wide variety of cultures have met, making this wonderful place one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. Known as one of the biggest cities of the whole country, Genoa is home of one of the biggest and most important aquariums all over the world. Don’t miss this huge opportunity to visit the precious Italian city and pay a visit to places as incredible as the Genoa Cathedral, the Aquarium of Genoa, the Ducal Palace of Genoa, the Rolli of Genoa, the Red Palace, the Saint Mary of the Castle Church, the Albertis Castle or the Ferrari Square.
The distance between Alessandria and Genoa is about 85 kilometers. The fastest way to come to the city is going through the road E25, as it will take you less than 1 hour and 10 minutes with your rental vehicle. Another option could be going through the road A7/E62, though it may take you more than 1 hour and 20 minutes.
The city of Turin is one of the major cultural and business centers all over Italy. It is located in the region of Piedmont, in the north of Italy and really close to Milan and Genoa. Turin was the capital of the country for 5 years. Big brands as Fiat, lacia or Martini&Rossi have their headquarters in this astonishing city. If there is something that should be pointed out about the city, it is its implication being the host country of the Winter Olympic Games and, of course, the incomparable football team Juventus of Turin. In this wonderful Italian city you will have the privilege to see places as unforgettable as the Egyptian Museum, the Castle Square, the Royal Palace of Turin, the Carignano Palace, the Saint Lawrence Church, the Shroud of Turin, the Turin Cathedral, the Rivoli Castle, the Palatine Gate or the Basilica of Corpus Cristi.
The distance between Alessandria and Turin is about 90 kilometers. We recommend taking the road E70 in direction to the northeast from Alessandria to access the beautiful city of Turin. The trip will not take you more than 1 hour and 10 minutes. And, remember that your best ally will always be your car hire in Alessandria.