From the Airport of Catania: the distance between the Airport of Catania and Agrigento is about 160 kilometers. To access, take the roads A19 and SS640 and in less than 2 hours you will be enjoying your destination. Also, you can take the SS417, though you may be on the road for about 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Rent your car hire:

Car hire Agrigento
Capital of its own province, in the island of Sicily, Agrigento is known for the huge amount of temples all over the city. In fact, the city is known in the whole country as the City of Temples. Thanks to this aspect, Agrigento has been declared World Heritage Site. The Valley of Temples is one of the only places in the world you will find Greek Doric temples outside Greece in. Currently, and thanks to the aforementioned aspect, this city has exponentially increased its economy, being tourism its major exponent. Undoubtedly, Agrigento is an impressive Sicilian city which will leave you astounded.
Agrigento is a truly incredible place you can spend your dream holidays in. Therefore, Pepecar offers you an online search engine to find the car that will allow you freedom to visit the city and its surroundings. Take advantage of this opportunity and reserve your car rental in Agrigento.
It is said that the foundation of Agrigento took place in the 6th century B.C. as a settlement established by different tribes. It is true that, at the beginning, it was a Greek polis known as Akragas. After the Greeks came the Romans, and with them in power came a period of greatness and prosperity, above all, thanks to Julius Caesar. Throughout the history of Agrigento different events have affected the character of its people and the urbanistic scene. After the WWII, this astonishing city has become one of the most visited places in Europe, as the Valley of Temples is one of the most unique areas in the world.
Some of the places that make Agrigento famous are the Valley of Temples, the Saint Gerlando Cathedral, the Temple of Olympian Zeus, Saint Mary of Greece Church, Chiaarmontane Factory, the Diocesan Museum, the Civic Museum, the Bishop Palace, Zirafa Palace, Holy Spirit Monastery, Saint Thomas Monastery, Provincial Palace or the Giants Palace. If you want to enjoy all these places and many more, reserve now you rental car with Pepecar.
Among the many ways to access the beautiful Italian city of Agrigento, in Pepecar we recommend that you reserve your car hire in the Catania Airport, the Palermo Airport and the Comiso Airport
From the Airport of Palermo: the distance between the Palermo Airport and the center of the city is about 180 kilometers. The fastest way to come to your destination is taking the roads A29/E90 and SS115, as in about 2 hours and 20 minutes you will have come. Another option could be taking the A29/E90, the SS624 and the SS115 and it will only take you 2 hours and 25 minutes.
From the Airport of Comiso: the distance between the Comiso Airport and Agrigento is about 120 kilometers. We recommend that you go through the SS115, as it will only take you 2 hours and 5 minutes. Also, you can go through the SS190 and the time won’t be more than 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Thanks to the rental car from Pepecar you will be able to enjoy and explore some of the most incredible destinations in Sicily. So, if you are going to spend more than a few days in Agrigento, consider visiting the following locations.
Caltanissetta is a city from the region of Sicily, considered as one of the top ten most populated locations. This wonderful city has been included in the Guinness World Records book for two reasons. On the one hand, people made a pie of about 303 meters. On the other hand, they also did a gluten free pie of about 30 meters. Caltanissetta is also known for its mining tradition, activity that, in the past, helped in the development of the city. If you want to visit this marvelous place, don’t miss the Natural Reserve of Monte Capodarso, the Imera Valley, Saint Mary Cathedral, Pietrarossa Castle, Garibaldi Square, Leonardo Sciascia Park, Triton Fountain, Moncada Palace, the Redeemer Monument or the Palmintelli.
The distance between Agrigento and Caltanissetta is about 55 kilometers. Take your rental car and start the trip in the road SS640. It will take you about 1 hour. If you take the SS640 and the SP39, it will take you 1 hour and 25 minutes. So, choose the route you like the most.
Marsala is one of the many cities of Sicily. It is located in the province of Trapani, the western part of the island. As the biggest city of its province, Marsala is considered to be one of the biggest locations in Sicily. Known as the city of wine, as it has a wide extension of vineyards, Marsala is really close to the Mediterranean Sea. The city has been awarded with the distinction of European Capital of Wine, thanks to the quality of its wines. As it is one of the most touristic cities in Sicily, don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Archeological Museum Baglio Anselmi, Mirabile Museum, Main Church Museum or the Saint Thomas of Canterbury Cathedral.
The distance between Agrigento and Marsala is about 135 kilometers. The easiest way to access your desired destination is going through the SS115. It won’t take you more than 2 hours and 5 minutes with your car rental.
Syracuse has always been one of the most populated cities in the island of Sicily. This Italian city is located truly close to Catania and, one of its main characteristics is the closeness to the Mediterranean Sea, which makes its coast a beautiful one. In fact, Syracuse has acquired a historic importance that not many cities in Europe have. Some of the main monuments and buildings of the city are included as World Heritage Sites. Having been selected once as the headquarters of the G8, this city has, also, been selected as the 2.0 city of the century. So, if you want to spend some time in this city, visit the Ortigia Church, the Syracuse Cathedral, the Apollo Temple or the Dionysus Ear Cave.
The distance between Agrigento and Syracuse is about 210 kilometers. Reserve you rental car in Agrigento. Once you pick it up, go through the road SS640 and A19/E932 in direction to the southeast, and in less than 2 hours and 30 minutes you will be in Syracuse.